Thursday, July 26, 2012

Rascality--Now and Then

There have been a rash of car break-ins in Hudson in the past few weeks--at least eight reported to have happened during the night between July 11 and 12 and another three on Sunday, July 22. The Register-Star ran an article about the phenomena last Friday, with a warning from the HPD about locking cars and not keeping valuables or leaving money visible in cars: "Multiple thefts from parked cars reported." 

I was reminded of our current situation yesterday when I read this item, sent to me by a reader, which appeared in a Hudson newspaper on August 1, 1843:
MORE RASCALITY--The sloop Jane, owned by Mr. George H. Power, while lying at one of the docks of this city, was robbed on Sunday night last, of a variety of clothing and other articles. We are inclined to believe that our city is infested with a gang of the same sort of desperadoes, that have recently fired the city of Lansingburg, committed burglaries, &c. Our Police should be on the alert, and our citizens should look well to their door locks.
Still useful advice.

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