Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Historic Preservation: An Uphill Battle

There's a new tenant at 203 Warren Street, the storefront briefly occupied last year by the Hip Hop Chop Shop. The new business that has hung out its shingle is a general contracting firm that does, according to the signage, Renovations & Restorations. Sadly, in the middle of Hudson's national, state, and locally designated historic district, where the restoration of original wood windows should be encouraged and supported, among the few things now on display in the space are replacement windows--vinyl and wood.

1 comment:

  1. It's kind of ironic that one of the boarded up windows of the emptied and vacant once beautiful The Brousseau Building ,owned by Eric Galloway is in the top right reflection of your photo .
    It puts in a nut shell,
    the two big issues with Galloway.His total,tasteless disrespect for Historic Architecture and HPC Law and all his vacant , emptied apt buildings he has left that way for years, and is now proposing to put the County and the City of Hudson on the hook ,by building and leasing out SRO homeless shelters to the taxpayers and off the tax roll,and days away from getting away with that,
    yet no pressure from the City to restore his own buildings on our main streets,left vacant and eyesores for years now, and put apartments back on the market.I don't get it at all.
